If at the level of a person, company or entity you have a problem or challenge that is getting out of hand, we are the right ones and highly effective and fruitful in providing you with a complete package of solutions. Here we have the support of an entire multidisciplinary consortium of allies and experts in a wide range of disciplines and organizational areas that nourish us. We love being able to solve in a creative and multifaceted way your deepest challenges and problems that may block your growth as a person or institution.
Now, depending on the depth, severity and size of your challenge/problem, and after making a structural diagnosis, we can offer you an effective response package such as Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond (Ultra-Premium) that best suits your context and budget.
There are definitely challenges that are best faced with the help of experts who want to see you grow. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us through any of our service channels.
This is one of our top products, one of the most requested by our customers.​
It consists of various first-level cognitive monitoring and empowerment packages for individuals of any profession, socio-economic stratum, religious belief, gender or race. Throughout them we provide the elements to discover and strengthen your first-level talents, reprogram your subconscious, heal emotional wounds and blockages, and, above all, constructively transform your way of thinking, speaking, feeling and acting, among many others. things.
To be truly effective, all packages must be taken for a minimum of one year and can be adapted to your personal schedule (upon agreement with the potential mentor).
This is our basic, complete and highly motivating package, andstructured for monthly face-to-face sessions, along with adequate non-synchronous independent work. The benefits of this package are:
1) Identification and initial potentialization of your fundamental first, second and third degree talents.
2) Initial Real Configuration of your Global Life Vision, or precise initial calibration of your Realizational-GPS.
3) Initial Evaluation, Renewal and Potentialization of your Immediate Environment to configure it in pursuit of your fundamental Life Visions.
4) Initial General Renewal of your Less Constructive and Blocking Subconscious Patterns.
5) Basic Renewal Plan of your Fundamental Interpersonal Circles in pursuit of your Global Vision of Life.
6) Synchronous meetings (in person or virtual) in monthly periods with the Assigned Cognitive Mentor.
7) Preparation of an initial plan for Renewed Personal Daily Life based on all the work carried out in the corresponding cycle.
8) Exclusive Certificate of Participation, Evolution and Initial Approval.
Bonuses: Completely free access to the first 3 modules of our star virtual course "How to increase your Level of Universal Cognitive Intelligence in a Real Way".
This is our intermediate, complete and highly motivating package, structured for monthly face-to-face sessions, along with adequate personal work, and with additional specialized literature. The benefits of this package are:
1) Identification and mature potentialization of your fundamental first, second and third degree talents.
2) Real Configuration of your Second Level Global Vision of Life, or precise calibration of your Realizational-GPS.
3) Second Level Evaluation, Renewal and Potentialization of your Immediate Environment to configure it in pursuit of your fundamental Visions of Life.
4) General Second Level Renewal of your Less Constructive and Blocking Subconscious Patterns.
5) Second Level Renewal Plan of your Basic Interpersonal Circles in pursuit of your Global Vision of Life.
6) Synchronous meetings (in person or virtual) in monthly periods with the Assigned Cognitive Mentor.
7) Preparation of a Second Level Personal Renewed Daily Life plan based on all the work carried out in the corresponding cycle.
8) Three additional sessions together or for the person in your inner circle who represents someone fundamental in your cognitive renewal.
9) Exclusive Locative Visit of the Immediate Living Environment, along with diagnosis and Personal Empowering Locative Adaptation plan.
10) Exclusive Certificate of Participation, Evolution and Intermediate Approval.
Bonuses: Completely free access to 5 modules of our star course "How to increase your Level of Universal Cognitive Intelligence in a Real Way".
This is our advanced package, compLeto, highly motivating and deeply renewing, structured for face-to-face sessions in 3-week cycles, along with adequate personal workand non-synchronous virtual, with additional specialized literature, and with a complete scheme of increasing the level of personal cognitive intelligence. The benefits of this package are:
1) Identification and advanced potentialization of your fundamental first, second and third degree talents.
2) Real Configuration of your Advanced Level Global Vision of Life, or precise and advanced calibration of your Realizational-GPS.
3) Advanced Level Evaluation, Renewal and Potentialization of your Immediate Environment to configure it in pursuit of your fundamental Life Visions.
4) Advanced General Renewal of your Less Constructive and Blocking Subconscious Patterns.
5) Advanced Renewal Plan of your Basic Interpersonal Circles in pursuit of your Global Vision of Life.
6) Synchronous meetings (in person or virtual) in periods of 3 weeks with the Assigned Cognitive Mentor.
7) Preparation of an Advanced Personal Renewed Daily Life plan based on all the work carried out in the corresponding cycle.
8) 12 additional Gold level sessions together or for the person(s) in your inner circle and who represents a fundamental being(s) in your cognitive renewal.
9) Advanced Exclusive Locative Visit of the Immediate Living Environment, along with Diagnosis and Advanced Adaptation Plan-Personal Empowering Locative.
10) Evaluation and Potentialization of your entire essential spectrum in Universal Cognitive Intelligence in the 10 most fundamental scenarios, through various additional face-to-face sessions.
11) Concrete action plans for the Personal Renewal of each of the forms of Universal Cognitive Intelligence.
12) Exclusive Certificate of Participation, Evolution and Advanced Approval.
Bonuses: Completely free access to our star virtual course "How to increase your Level of Universal Cognitive Intelligence in a Real Way", with Exclusive Certificate of Participation.
DIAMOND MENTORING (Ultra-Premium Level)
This is our Ultra-Premium package, completely comprehensive, to achieve exalted levels of excellence and cognitive performance rarely seen. It is structured for in-person sessions according to particular needs. It also includes a personalized design of non-synchronous personal and virtual work, with specialized Diamond literature. Additionally, it includes a global structure for the improvement and discovery of innate leadership skills and for increasing the level of personal cognitive intelligence. This Ultra Package is ideal, but not limited, to highly efficient leaders, legislators, actors, artists and businessmen of a very high level. The benefits of this package are:
1) Identification, potentialization and Ultra-Premium improvement of your fundamental first, second and third degree talents.
2) Real Configuration of your Ultra-Premium Global Vision of Life, or precise and advanced and total calibration of your GPS-Realizational.
3) Ultra-Premium Evaluation, Renewal and Potentialization of your Immediate Environment to configure it in pursuit of your fundamental Life Visions.
4) General Diamond Renewal of your Less Constructive and Blocking Subconscious Patterns.
5) Diamond Renewal Plan of your Basic Interpersonal Circles in pursuit of your Global Vision of Life.
6) Synchronous meetings (in person or virtual) according to the needs and availability of who takes the plan with our CEO and Diamond Mentor Dr. Danny A. J. Gómez-Ramírez.
7) Preparation of an Ultra-Premium Personal Renewed Daily Life plan based on all the work carried out in the corresponding cycle.
8) Up to 15 additional Platinum sessions together or for the person(s) in your inner circle and who represents a fundamental being(s) in your cognitive renewal.
9) Exclusive Advanced Locative Visit to both the Immediate Living Environment, as well as the work, physical and mental environment, along with Diagnosis and Advanced Personal and Professional Empowering Locative Adaptation Plan.
10) Evaluation and Potentialization of your entire essential spectrum in Universal Cognitive Intelligence in the 10 most fundamental scenarios, through various additional face-to-face sessions.
11) Concrete action plans for the Personal Renewal of each of the forms of Universal Cognitive Intelligence.
12) Preparation of a Diagnosis and Optimization plan for Personal Diamond Professional Daily Life based on all the evolution gained throughout the Accompaniment Package. Here the successful aspects of personal life will be further enhanced and those aspects that are representing cognitive-emotional burdens for the person or their living environment will be gradually renewed.
13) Exclusive Certificate and Commemorative Plaque of Participation, Evolution, Approval and Diamond Renewal.
Bonus 1: Completely free access to our star virtual course "How to increase your Level of Universal Cognitive Intelligence in a Real Way", with Exclusive Certificate of Participation, along with a companionExclusive provision of face-to-face and strategic advice to get the most out of it.
Bonus 2: Exclusive participation in the Personalized Seminar-Experience for the identification and Elimination of First Level Cognitive Fears, Blockages and Traumatologies, both conscious and subconscious.
Fundamental Clarification: All the following objectivesThey will be achieved to a greater or lesser extent depending on the level of seriousness and commitment of the person who takes the corresponding package. There is no type of magic or shortcut here, since mental renewal is a lifelong challenge. However, ifThere is a serious and constant commitment you will see extraordinary results beyond imagination.
Do you feel like you want this renewal for your Life, or for someone you love very much? Write to us with confidence if you have any questions.
This is our Top product at the level of companies and any type of structured organization. Here we use various strategies of babe cognitive-emotional-behavioral with the members of the organization from a top-bottom perspective, to achieve faster, more sustainable and solid levels of transformation and collective-individual efficiency.
This is our organizational Platinum product, completely disruptive, with direct impact on the organization and conscious, gradual and practical restructuring.
The main benefits and components of this package are the following:
1) Evaluation, Diagnosis and Total Renewal of the organizational Vision consistent with human capital, with its fundamental talents, with the immediate history of the organization and contextualized with the current needs of the organizational world.
2) Evaluation, Diagnosis and Total Renewal of the organizational Mission consistent with the current portfolio of the organization, with human capital, with its fundamental talents, with the immediate history of the organization and contextualized with the current needs of the organizational world.
3) Personalized Platinum-type Mentoring process with the CEO of the organization, including the extra component of addressing not only the dimension of the CEO's personal cognitive renewal, but also his cognitive renewal as an organizational leader.
4) Impact Process and Collective Renewal of Gold Level Mentoring to the entire Board of Directors of the Organization in order to achieve greater cohesion, coherence, integration and resilience with the mission objectives, with the vision and with the immediate challenges of the same.
5) Collective mentoring with other executives of the organization to internalize and motivate all the renewal achieved in the previous steps.
6) Gold Level Seminars-Experiences of a more massive nature for the rest of the organization, or, in special cases for some central members of the organization, to permeate the entire internal human ecosystem of the central pillars of renewal obtained from the hierarchical top of the organization. the same.
7) Complete diagnosis of the Level of Global and Immediate Need for Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0 Technological Schemes that the Organization needs or does not need.
8) Support and consulting in the development of a gradual long-term organizational renewal plan driven by all the work carried out previously and with a view to consolidating and stabilizing the changes achieved and projected.
Bonuses: Platinum Locative Renewal Sessions on site to provide an evaluation, diagnosis and spatio-temporal renewal plan for the organization.
This is our Ultra-Premium organizational product, completely disruptive and structurally renewing, with direct, solid and constructive impact for the organization and deep, conscious, gradual and practical restructuring.
The main benefits and components of this package are the following:
1) Diamond Total Evaluation, Diagnosis and Renewal of the organizational Vision consistent with human capital, with its fundamental talents, with the immediate history of the organization and contextualized with the current needs of the organizational world.
2) Evaluation, Diagnosis and Total Diamond Renewal of the organizational Mission consistent with the current portfolio of the organization, with human capital, with its fundamental talents, with the immediate history of the organization and contextualized with the current needs of the organizational world.
3) Personalized Diamond-type Mentoring process with the CEO of the organization, including the extra component of addressing not only the dimension of the CEO's personal cognitive renewal, but also his cognitive renewal as an organizational leader.
4) Impact Process and Collective Renewal of Platinum Level Mentoring to the entire Board of Directors of the Organization in order to achieve greater cohesion, coherence, integration and resilience with the mission objectives, with the vision and with the immediate challenges of the same.
5) Platinum-type Collective Mentoring with other executives of the organization to internalize and motivate all the renewal achieved in the previous steps.
6) Platinum Level Seminars-Experiences of a more massive nature for the rest of the organization, or, in special cases for some central members of the organization, to permeate the entire internal human ecosystem of the central pillars of renewal obtained from the hierarchical top of the organization. the same.
7) Complete Diamond-type diagnosis of the Level of Global and Immediate Need for Technological Schemes Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0 that the Organization needs or does not need.
8) Support and consulting in the development of a gradual Diamond Level organizational renewal plan in the short, medium and long term driven by all the work carried out previously and with a view to consolidating and stabilizing the changes achieved and projected.
Bonuses: Diamond Locative Renewal Sessions on site to provide an evaluation, diagnosis and spatio-temporal renewal plan for the organization.
Do you know that your organization needs a complete transformation of mentality and internal logistics? Write to us with confidence if you want to take any package, or if you have any questions.
This is our Top product at the level of innovative mentoring in Cognitive Pedagogy for all types of teachers, professors and professors in any type of academic and artistic discipline. Our method covers the entire multiform spectrum of cognitive intelligence, including 10 of its most predominant forms. An essential objective of our mentoring in pedagogy is to produce intrinsically inspiring teaching leaders, who teach more from their own creative work and from their passion and creative determination and less from their function of educational power: True teachers who are the last thing they have to do to teach is to repeat trite knowledge and your first pedagogical tool is your deep love, commitment, virtue and genius with the specific topic to be transmitted.
This is our robust, comprehensive and highly motivating Cognitive Pedagogy package, structured for weekly in-person group sessions, along with appropriate non-synchronous independent work.
The main benefits of this package are:
1) Identification and initial group potentialization of your individual fundamental talents of the first, second and third degree.
2) Initial Group Real Configuration of the Teachers' Global Vision of Life, or precise initial calibration of their GPS-Realizational.
3) Initial Group Evaluation, Renewal and Potentialization of the Immediate Environment of Teachers to configure it in pursuit of their corresponding fundamental Visions of Life.
4) General Initial Group Renewal of your Less Constructive and Blocking Subconscious Patterns.
5) Basic Group Renewal Plan of your Fundamental Interpersonal Circles in pursuit of their corresponding Global Visions of Life.
6) At least one synchronous meeting (in person or virtual) personalized with the Assigned Cognitive Mentor to work on completely specific aspects of each Teacher.
7) Preparation of an initial plan for Renewed Personal Daily Life based on all the work carried out in the corresponding cycle.
8) Preparation of a robust plan for Inspirational Teaching Nteaching (without explicitly teaching) Global-Particular with the necessary cognitive-voluntary-emotional guidelines.
9) Preparation of an Effective Harmonization and Cohesion Plan with the Corresponding Research and/or Teaching Institution where mentoring is provided.
10) Exclusive Certificate of Participation, Evolution and Initial Approval, both Individual and Institutional.
Bonuses: Completely free access at the institutional level for teachers and administrators to the first 3 modules of our star virtual course "How to increase your Level of Universal Cognitive Intelligence by a Real Mode".
This is our Ultra-Premium package, complete and highly motivating and transformative of Cognitive Pedagogy, structured for weekly face-to-face group sessions, along with adequate non-synchronous independent work.
The main benefits of this package are:
1) Group Diamond identification and potentialization of your individual fundamental talents of the first, second and third degree.
2) Real Diamond Group Configuration of the Teachers' Global Vision of Life, or precise initial calibration of their GPS-Realizational.
3) Group Diamond Evaluation, Renewal and Potentialization of the Immediate Environment of Teachers to configure it in pursuit of their corresponding fundamental Visions of Life.
4) General Diamond Group Renewal of your Less Constructive and Blocking Subconscious Patterns.
5) Group Diamond Renewal Plan of your Fundamental Interpersonal Circles in pursuit of their corresponding Global Visions of Life.
6) Various synchronous meetings (in person or virtual) personalized with at least one Assigned Cognitive Mentor to work on completely specific aspects of each Teacher.
7) Preparation of an Advanced Diamond Plan for Personal Renewed Daily Life based on all the work carried out in the corresponding cycle.
8) Preparation of an Advanced Diamond plan for Inspiring Teaching Nteaching (without explicitly teaching) Global-Particular with the necessary cognitive-developmental-emotional guidelines.
9) Preparation of an Effective Diamond Harmonization and Cohesion Plan with the Corresponding Research and/or Teaching Institution where mentoring is provided.
10) Cognitive Consulting for the Renewal and Optimization of the Institutional Mission and Vision in coherence with all the work developed throughout the Mentoring in Institutional Cognitive Pedagogy.
11) Exclusive Certificate of Participation, Evolution and Initial Approval, both Individual and Institutional.
Bonuses: Completely free access at the institutional level for teachers and administrators for 2 years to our star virtual course "How to increase your Level of Universal Cognitive Intelligence by a Real Mode".